LEAAP Core Solution

LEAAP Core™ e-Citation

A modern and comprehensive e-citation solution designed to reduce human error and cut down on traffic stop duration.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Digital Evidence

Harnessing digital evidence is crucial for effectively investigating and prosecuting cases. However, navigating the sheer abundance, diversity, and rapid flow of data has significantly heightened the complexity of managing digital evidence. There’s a pressing need for a transformative approach to digital evidence management.

Streamlined Data Capture Solutions

Efficient Data Capture

Scans and captures information from license, license plate and registration documents

Reduce Human Error

Auto-fill e-citations from captured data, reducing human error and dramatically cutting down on traffic stop duration

Accesible Anywhere

Ability to operate from the LEAAP mobile app with seamless integration with other sidekicks and data transfer to evidence.leaap.app data storage

Learn how LEAAP Core™ e-Citations Can Improve Your Workflow

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