LEAAP Core Solution

Digital Evidence Management

Experience streamlined digital evidence management with our secure storage and transfer system, employing locally encrypted media and automated screening technologies. Benefit from efficient organization and privacy compliance through automated tagging and face redaction capabilities.

Centrally Prepare and Manage Evidence

Benefit from the full suite of tools necessary for evidence management and preparation for downstream use. Seamless integration with downstream distribution and automation related to cases puts LEAAP’s user experience a step-above the rest.

Automate Evidence Prep

Secure Storage & Transfer

Locally stores and encrypts media until it reaches a secure network for file transfer through private VP to district's data storage endpoint.

Automated Screening

Locally hosted autonomous agent uses Object Character Recognition to screen through video and extract desired content.

Automated Tagging

Auto-redaction of by-stander faces and automatic tagging of events throughout media.

Learn How You Can Improve Your Digital Evidence Management

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